Getting Your Prescriptions at a Lower Cost

Getting Your Prescriptions At A Lower Cost The use of prescriptions in the United States is common, and a necessary part of many treatment plans. Some…

How To Minimize Medical Care Costs

Our Guide To Cutting Down Medical Care Costs Medical care costs can take up a lot of space in a budget. Bills for doctor appointments, medications,…
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10 Foods that Help Ease Arthritis Pain

If you’re struggling with arthritis pain, eating certain foods that are high in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties may help. Adding…

World Immunization Week: Vaccines Bring Us Closer

This week has been designated to bring awareness to the need for vaccines. Using the theme “Vaccines Bring Us Closer”, the World Health Organization…

Your Furry Friend Provides Health Benefits to You

Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend” but sometimes we’re unaware of the mental and physical health benefits that our pets provide. Pets…
Woman in field of flowers

Benefits of Gardening for Your Mental Health

Those that love to garden, know that spending time amongst the petals provides numerous mental health benefits such as reducing stress, becoming closer…

Oral Cancer: Are You at Risk?

Shenandoah Community Health Clinic is now offering oral cancer examinations for free with your dental exam visit. These examinations are carried out by…

Problem Foods for Healthy Teeth

Most people know that some foods, like sweets, can be a problem for maintaining healthy teeth. What you eat can play a big role in your overall health.…

Building a Fairer, Healthier World

World Health Day, April 7, was started in 1950 to create awareness of priority concerns in world health. This year the World Health Organization has decided…

Routine Checkups Help Maintain Your Good Health

You're feeling OK, so why get your routine checkup? Often when you are not feeling sick, it’s easy to push back a doctor’s appointment or skip it altogether.…