Colon Screening: A Life-Saving Tool to Find a Common and Treatable Type of Cancer

The colon is a vital part of the human body, but talking about colon screening can be uncomfortable. It’s a little awkward discussing bowel movements,…

What Does Depression Look Like?

Depression is a mood disorder that millions of Americans suffer from each year. It is also the leading cause of disability in ages 15-44. Depression often…

Why It’s Important to Use Sunscreen in the Spring 

Springtime means gardening, afternoon walks and sunshine – but you better use sunscreen! Ninety percent of the sun’s ray can penetrate through clouds-…

Food for Your Mood: How Your Diet Can Affect Depression

Most people are aware of the link between physical health and nutrition, but your diet can affect depression and your mental health as well. Habits like…

Has COVID Negatively Impacting Your Relationship?

Has COVID Negatively Impacting Your Relationship? You’re not alone. While COVID, on its own, has no actual effect on your personal relationships,…

Helping Kids to Eat Healthy

Helping kids to eat healthy foods can be tough. Between picky eaters and busy schedules, there may not always be time for well-rounded meals. Take it slow,…

What You Can and Can’t Do After Getting the COVID Vaccine

If you’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine, you may be making plans to visit friends and family. But there are some important things to keep in mind. Remember:…

Getting the Most from Your Medical Appointment

Being an active participant in your healthcare is essential for getting the most from your medical appointment. The suggestions below may help. Be assured…

Can I get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The first step to get the Covid-19 vaccine is to preregister so that you can be informed when it is your turn:…

Eat Healthy On a Budget

If you have a weight problem or a chronic disease like diabetes, you may feel overwhelmed with trying to eat healthy while managing your time and money.…

How Can I Reduce My High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)?

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, affects about half of adults in the United States. Hypertension may not initially cause noticeable symptoms,…

Help Prevent Cavities Throughout a Child’s Life

What is a low-cost, easy way to prevent cavities and help ensure a healthy smile for your child for years to come? Dental sealants! They are safe and painless.…